Recognised and used by the world’s leading animation studios for 25 years, Harmony levels the playing field with its production animation software by bringing 2D animation and full production capabilities to students, freelancers, artists and professional animators alike.
Standard Features
Download Toon Boom Harmony Premium
Brush Engine
Revolutionary vector/bitmap drawing technology with unlimited artistic potential.
Palettes and Painting
Advanced colour palettes provide efficient control over texture and colour on every frame.
Traditional Paperless Animation
Access to a complete toolset for traditional frame-by-frame animation.
2D/3D Integration
Animate 3D models and their individual parts directly in Harmony Premium for more creative control when integrating 3D elements with 2D characters.
Powerful tools to create cut-out animation from rubber hose to hand drawn looks.
Cut-Out Animation
Build simple to advanced rigs with specialized tools. Master controllers save time when animating sophisticated rigs.
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Effects and Compositing
Add special effects, camera angles and composite scenes seamlessly. Download remo repair word. Add volume and lighting effects to characters with automatic tones and highlights that can be animated.
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Export to Game Engine
Create 2D animation for your game that is lightweight and compatible with game engines like Unity.
Pipeline Integration
Harmony is designed to integrate with other software in a production pipeline. Import multilayer PSD and PSB files, Illustrator, PDF, bitmaps and audio.