Dec 02, 2012 Once I unchecked the IE9 box, I found that the Start button links to both 32 and 64 bit IE9's were gone. Neither of 8 or 9 are listed in the Uninstall list. Now, I can't find IE9 or 8 anywhere on the PC and I can't find a version of IE8 to download anywhere. Would be much obliged if someone could point me to a link for IE8 Windows 7 edition.
Running IE8 32 bit on Windows 7 64 bit ... possible?
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1 Answer
Windows 7 64-bit comes out-of-the-box with Internet Explorer 8 in both 32-bit and 64-bit. Unless you explicitly launch IE8 64-bit, you're probably running the 32-bit version.
By default, IE8 32-bit automatically runs when you start the browser from any one of the following locations:
- The Quick Launch toolbar
- The desktop
- The Start menu
- A hyperlink or a file type that is associated with Internet Explorer
If you want to see which version is currently running, check the Help -> About Internet Explorer window. The 64-bit version will note that it's the 64-bit version.
The main difference between the two is that IE8 64-bit only runs native 64-bit ActiveX controls, and IE8 32-bit only runs native 32-bit ActiveX controls. This means that plugins like Flash that are 32-bit will only work in the 32-bit Internet Explorer (see Adobe's KB on the subject).
From Microsoft:
The differences between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer can affect toolbar add-ins and Microsoft ActiveX controls. For example, 32-bit toolbar add-ins do not work in the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer. These add-ins include the MSN toolbar, the AOL toolbar, the eBay toolbar, and the Google toolbar. You can install 32-bit toolbars in the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer. However, the 32-bit toolbars will not appear in the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.
For example, when you start the Setup program for the 32-bit Google toolbar in the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer, the Google Setup program closes the 64-bit Internet Explorer window. The Google Setup program opens a new 32-bit Internet Explorer window when setup is completed. The Google toolbar appears in the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer, and the toolbar works correctly. The 32-bit Google toolbar is not installed in the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.
By design, the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer cannot host 32-bit ActiveX controls. Additionally, the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer cannot host 64-bit ActiveX controls.
Jared HarleyJared HarleyNot the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged windows-7internet-explorerinternet-explorer-8 or ask your own question.
Windows 7 Ultimate Download ISO 32 bit 64 Bit from the official source. This is Windows 7 Ultimate Official Version bootable DVD, Download Now.
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Windows 7 Ultimate Important Product Details:
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- Software Category: Operating Systems
- Developer’s Website:Official Windows Website
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How to Download Windows 7 Ultimate ISO 32 Bit 64 Bit:
Ie8 Win7 64 Bit Download
Download button below will provide direct Windows 7 Ultimate ISO for both 32-bit and 64-bit, from an official source.
Program Details | |
Setup Name | N/A. |
Source | From Official. |
File Size: | N/A. |
Compatibility | 32-Bit & 64 Bit. |