Uninstall Intego Mac

  1. How To Uninstall Intego Software
  2. Uninstall Intego Netbarrier Mac
  3. Uninstall Intego Washing Machine

A common use of a virus protection frequently follows with a similar question: how can one uninstall the trial / expired / unwanted program cleanly? As for Webroot SecureAnywhereInternet Security Complete for Mac, it continues to be one of the most popular anti-malware program. While our below detailed removal instructions feature one greater way to help you get rid of Webroot SecureAnywhere Internet Security Complete for Mac and/or other similar products from Webroot Inc., we still wanted to make sure we gave you a few more options to see the 'Plan B' flourish. Tips range from very easy-to-follow or basic to some more advanced ideas.

Intego VirusBarrier comes with in-built uninstaller program on condition that you still keep the Intego installer DMG file. If you cannot find it no longer, follow steps below to learn how to completely uninstall Intego VirusBarrier on Mac manually (2019 The Safest Ways To Uninstall iAntiVirus on Mac).


Well, why you too chose to uninstall the Webroot SecureAnywhere Internet Security Complete for Mac? Your OS X turned out to be a virus-free one? Well, I did read about Webroot uninstall issues time to time. For example, one found that the uninstall option just missed when he or she tried to remove Webroot's product from the computer. At iRemover, do not miss the following error 'Webroot SecureAnywhere quit unexpectedly'.

Here's one of traditional ways to say 'Bye-bye' to Webroot SecureAnywhereInternet Security Complete for Mac:

  • You, of course, can choose the 2nd option 'Don't Send' to save your time.
  • Save your work and, make yourself the Admin user for your Mac.
  • Run Activity Monitor and make sure that all of Webroot related process is inactive now.
  • Enter Applications folder, right click on your own 'Webroot SecureAnywhere', and then launch 'Move to Trash'.
  • In some (typical) cases, you'll be asked to complete a security code that was designed to stop unauthorized attempts to remove the Webroot SecureAnywhere program you installed. See the following image for future reference.
  • Exactly follow the onscreen wizard you'll see, save your job and restart your Mac later.

Heart of App Management: Safety & Effectiveness & Smart

I'll certainly keep unused, or half-uninstalled items from sticking on my machine, which is fine as far as that goes, if you too wish that you have a clean, health and powerful OS X system.

Case Study #1: 'Uninstalled' Webroot SecureAnywhere is still running on the computer

Possible Solutions (* if you're still using some out-of-date version of Webroot product)


  • Re-adjust your display resolution properly till you see the half-gone Webroot SecureAnywhere fully.
  • Go to the 'Settings' menu when you re-open Webroot SecureAnywhere. Then choose 'Basic Configuration'.
  • To re-enable the 'Uninstall' option for your Webroot software in the programs list, UN-CHECK ALL the options next to 'Show Webroot in the Start Menu' and 'Show Webroot in Add/Remove Programs.' or simply, 'Show Webroot in Add/Remove Programs' - if someone mistakenly hided the 'Uninstall' option.
  • Apply the latest changes to your Webroot client. Restart, then re-try the uninstall guide given above.

2) You can also learn how to uninstall a Webroot product via its uninstall command instead.

Uninstall intego mac premium
  • Locate the exact installation folder of the Webroot agent you installed.
  • Choose Run.
  • Enter the folder path accordingly, such as the following one, 'C:Program Files (x86)WebrootWRSA.exe' –uninstall

Case Study #2: The installed Webroot just stopped working due to some reason, and refused to be uninstalled / reinstalled.

Possible fix:

How To Uninstall Intego Software

  • Scan your computer on Safe Mode with Networking by using another tough virus protection, making sure that your system is aggressive infection-free.
  • Reload your system into Safe Mode when the above process is done.
  • Make all hidden items appear by modifying Folder Options.
  • Try detecting then removing the following items from filesystem manually:

Uninstall Intego Netbarrier Mac

After that, clean Webroot related entries in Registry Editor.

Need more help with or have questions about Webroot removal? Try this top-grade app remover now!

Uninstall Intego Washing Machine

PS: For experienced users, you can also make the best of wsalogs.exe (* which was developed by NSIS module/installer).